तृतीय अध्याय (३.०६-३.१०)
(with English connotation)
(with English connotation)
एक ब्रह्म का आश्रय लेकर, मोक्ष प्राप्ति को उद्धत जो रहता|
है आश्चर्य कि क्यों ऐसा जन, कामक्रिया को विचलित रहता||(३.६)
It is surprising
that the one, who has realised the
non-dual nature of the Supreme and is always
aspiring for liberation, runs after lust and sexual
काम शत्रु है समझता ज्ञानी, अंतिम पहर में दुर्बल तन से|
है आश्चर्य कि निकल न पायी, काम वासना उसके मन से||(३.७)
It is strange that even after knowing that the sexual
lust is an enemy to the seeker of knowledge and
he is incapable of enjoying the same at the fag end
of his life, he hankers after sexual
है विरक्त दोनों लोकों से, नित्य अनित्य विवेक
है जिसमें|
है आश्चर्य मोक्ष इक्षुक को, लगता डर है मोक्ष
से मन में||(३.८)
It is surprising that he is unattached to this world
as well as the other, knows the difference between
permanence and impermanence and craves for
liberation, is still afraid of Moksha or liberation.(3.8)
भोज कराए चाहे कोई, या जो पीड़ा का कारण
धैर्यवान आत्मा जो देखे, न संतोष न दुःख ही
The wise man, who is aware of his self, is neither
happy nor sad, if he is praised or tormented.(3.9)
अपने कार्यशील तन को जो, औरों के तन सम है
ऐसे महा पुरुष को कैसे, निंदा स्तुति विचलित कर सकता||(३.१०)
The wise man, who sees even his own body in
action like the body of others, then how may
he be disturbed by praise or blame.(3.10)
....©कैलाश शर्मा