बिना प्रश्न जो कार्य है करता, लेकिन है विषयी न
जग में सर्व कार्य करते भी, जीवन्मुक्त, सुशोभित होता||
The one, who acts
without saying why, but not
because he is a
fool, even while doing all the
worldly acts,
remains liberated and happy. (18.26)
थक कर के नाना विचार से, अपने स्वरुप में स्थित
नहीं सोचता, नहीं जानता, न वो देखता, श्रवण न
करता|| (१८.२७)
The one, who after
being tired of listening to
considerations and thoughts has
peacefully in his Self, does not
think, know, see
and listen.(18.27)
मुक्त समाधि व विषयों से, विक्षेप समाधि से परे
है रहता|
सर्व विश्व कल्पित वह जाने, स्वयं ब्रह्मवत स्थिर
है रहता|| (१८.२८)
The one, who is
beyond mental stillness and
remains free from desire for
liberation or its
opposite. Knowing that this
world is creation
of imagination, he remains
established as
Brahma (God). (18.28)
लोक द्रष्टि में कार्य न करके, कर्म अहंकारी सब
अहंविहीना धीर पुरुष है, करके भी वह कर्म न
करता|| (१८.२९)
The one, who is
having ego, while not doing
any act in the
eyes of the world, actually does,
but the wise man
even when doing acts, in fact
does not do
anything. (18.29)
संतोषी या उद्विग्न न ज्ञानी, न अभिमान कर्म का
न आशा है ज्ञानी के मन में, न ही संदेह चित्त में
होता|| (१८.३०)
The liberated man
is neither disturbed nor
satisfied and is
not proud of the acts done
by him. In the
mind of the wise man there
is neither hope nor
doubt. (18.30)
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